"The 3 Norns of the Grove: Unveiling Our Ethos"

"In a whimsical twist of nature, consider this our enchanted grove, where the tales of 'us' unfold."

In the mystical depths of the forest, where the ancient...

3 Norns weave the threads of destiny, behold! A mere click unveils the gateway to Inspiring Empowerment Coaching and Mentoring, where your journey of transformation awaits. Step into this enchanted woodland of wisdom, where the 3 Norns themselves whisper secrets of empowerment.

Are you feeling as if you're caught in the unending swirl of a whirlwind, burdened by the ceaseless demands of life? 

Do you yearn for a transformative shift that e... Read more

Deep within the majestic forest, where the ancient...

trees sway in harmony, lies a sacred realm where authenticity, community, and self-discovery intertwine. Like the enchanting dance of the mythical 3 Norns, these values are woven into the very fabric of this woodland haven. Here, amidst the whispered secrets of the trees, the 3 Norns beckon us to embark on a transformative journey. For it is within this enchanted grove that we nurture the essence of who we are, forge deep connections, and un... Read more

"Unraveling the Threads: Embracing Fulfillment in...

 the Enchanted Forest of the 3 Norns".

Imagine embarking on an enchanting journey through the threads of time, guided by the mystical 3 Norns. 

Picture yourself in an enchanted forest, where the whispering wind, the dancing flames, the nurturing earth, the flowing water, and the vibrant spirit work in harmony to empower you.

We invite you, the brave warriors battling invisible illnesses like chronic pain or fatigue, and the survivors of p... Read more

Kind Words

Ashley Devi Healing

Sam is beyond inspirational! Her passion to help heal, guide and educate females of all ages is so inspiring. I am in constant awe of her knowledge, understanding and compassion for everyone she meets. I highly recommend Sam for she will be there for you in anyway she needs to show up to help.

Jul 2, 2023
M Scheffers

I’m so proud to say that I have made some amazing friends in this circle! The women who are there every circle and the newcomers have all been wonderful. Sam has a way with people and made me feel so included from day 1! The talks, meditation, teaching and laughs have brought real joy to my life! This circle has put a lot into perspective for me and I am forever grateful!

M Scheffers

Sent from my iPhone

Aug 25, 2023

An honest thankyou


I have been attending women’s empowerment circles as well as moon circles for the last few years. I never knew how helpful these could be.

I have met a beautiful group of like minded women, enjoyed listening to their stories and appreciated when they have held space for me to share. I have always left the evening feeling lighter as if a weight had been lifted from me. I have truly enjoyed the different locations whether  it be inside, out around a fire (summer and winter), beautiful lakeside dock or at the Uxbridge Salt Caves.

Thank you Sammi D for including me in these events I have recommended you to friends and will always continue to do so

V. Hermann

Sent from Mail for Windows

Aug 25, 2023


1 Reviews

sharday Davis

03 February 2024

03 February


I started going to Sam’s circles a few years ago. At the time I didn’t really know anybody and been searching for a women’s group, community, friendship, no jud...
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